A two-day conference on restorative justice was hosted by Nsidia in Rome, on 25 and 26 of March, 2010 by the title “Restorative Justice and Crime Prevention: actors, places and policies”. The conference was organised within the... The conference was opened by Bruno Brattoli, Head of Juvenile Justice Department, and was divided into three blocks, each about one of the three keywords represented in the title of the conference. |
The 6th International Conference of the European Forum for Restorative Justice will take place from 17 until 19 June 2010 in Bilbao (Spain). As this conference marks the 10th anniversary of the Forum this is an ideal opportunity... The conference will cover three main themes: 1) The work of practitioners (mediators and facilitators), 2) Cooperation with legal practitioners, 3) Conferencing. More information and the full programme of the conference can be found |
During the study tour in London on 12 Nov 2009 Tünde Barabás, PhD and Szandra Windt, PhD gave a lecture about Mediation and Restorative Justice in Hungary. In the Hungarian criminal law it is not the aim of the penal system and the execution to foster reconciliation between parties and nor is it suitable for it to do so. This means, that unless parties have already reconciled before the closing of the first instance in the court, they will not... |
The Hungarian Prison Association held a scientific session about the new ciminal procedure draft legislation in the saloon of ELTE ÁJK, on the 26th of november 2009. The detailed introductory speech about the new draft legislation was held by dr. Veronika Pázsit from the Ministry of Justice. Dr.András Szűcs, prosecutor of the Attorney General’s Office summarized his observation about the draft legislation. According to the introduction, the draft... |
As part of the "Mediation and restorative justice in prison settings" European Comission endorsed project, the National Institute of Criminology és a Foresee Research Group organized a workshop on July 22 2009. at the National... The reason for the workshop was, that numerous programmes, similar in vison to our MEREPS project, have been launched lately in the Balassagyarmat Prison and several other correctional... |
Foresee Reasearch Group and the National Institute of Criminology held a poaster presentation about the MEREPS project at the Annual Conference of the Prison Service Budapest. The National Institute of Criminology and the Foresee Research Group was invited to the at the Annual Conference of the Prison Service... |
On 17 April 2009 members of the MEREPS Consortium had its very first project meeting. Above all, it was not even planned in the original programme and the budget! It was an opportunity for us to meet in another context, hence we... The Hungarian Ministry of Justice in cooperation with the European Crime Prevention Network ... |
At the 16th of march 2009 the three year-long, European Comission endorsed “Mediation and Restorative Justice in Prison Settings” project (JLS/2008/JPEN015-30-CE-0267156/00-39) has officially started. The project aims to: through empiric research and pilot project ona a national and international level |