Partners of the MEREPS Project represent the judicial, the statutory, the academic and the NGO sector. It is important for us that these bodies take part in this interdisciplinary research and policy development in a balanced way, ensuring that the outcome of the project reflects to the needs and possibilities of all the above mentioned areas.
Hence, Foresee Research Group as well as the other members of the MEREPS Consortium pays special attention to involve partners into the project from as many professional fields and sectors as possible.
Balassagyarmat Prison (Hungary) – The MEREPS projects’s pilot mediation project will be delivered in the Balassagyarmat Prison. The pilot project will be realised in a close collaboration with the staff members and inmates of the Balassagyarmat Prison. The two local representatives who will be responsible for the local delivery of the pilot project will be delegated by the Balassagyarmat Prison prior to the pilot project’s commencement. These persons will be staff members of Balassaygarmat Prison and they will attend a three-days-long mediation course prior to the pilot project’s commencement.
Central Office Of Justice (Hungary) – The Office of Justice is a self-managing central office, having full power over its allowences, and country-wide jurisdiction. It is led and professinally supervised by the Minister of Justice.
Representatives of the Central Office of Justice will participate in the study tour organised within the framework of this project and the Central Office of Justice will also send delegates at the final conference to be organised within the framework of this project in 2011 in Hungary.
Experts delegated by the Foresee Research Group will give a presentation for the Central Office of Justice about the main findings of the research, pilot and international activities realised within the project.
Community Service Foundation Hungary – helps the project with constant exchange of professional experiences, information, as well as delivering certain activities with mutual collaboration within the framework of the project.
Hungarian Judicial Academy – is a unique institution in Hungary’s history, based on European standards and the characteristics of the Hungarian legal system it intends to offer high quality, effective education to the members of the Hungarian judiciary. Relying on the Academy’s institutional potential, it is the Academy’s main goal to support the functioning of the Hungarian courts with a scientific and educational centre of European standards.
The representatives of the Hungarian Judicial Academy will participate in the 3-day long mediation training to be organized within the framework of the project. Experts delegated by the Foresee research Group will give a presentation about the project’s main finding to the Hungarian Judicial Academy. The Hungarian Judicial Academy will disseminate information to its target groups about the project’s main findings.
Hungarian Crime Prevention and Prison Mission Foundation - is an organization introducing restorative principles inside prison walls to voluntary applicants in the form of group activities, individual psychological attention and community programmes. The training sessions mostly promote empathy with victims, assuming responsibility, confronting consequences, recognising community needs and acknowledging the effects of crime, and instilling feelings of regret, reparation, reconciliation and forgiveness.
The Hungarian Crime Prevention an Prison Mission Foundation will professionally contribute to the edition of the training manual to be delivered within the framework of this project. Additionally, representatives of the Hungarian Crime Prevention and Prison Mission Foundation will participate in the 3-days long mediation training to be organised in Hungary within the framework of this project, and in the study tour organised within the framework of this project.
The Forgiveness Project - The Forgiveness Project is a UK-based charitable organisation which explores forgiveness, reconciliation and conflict resolution through real-life human experience. Their vision is to build a better future by healing the wounds of the past. They consider opening up a dialogue about forgiveness and promoting understanding through awareness, education and inspiration their mission. Many of those whose voices are celebrated in their exhibition and on their website, also share their stories in person. They work in prisons, schools, faith communities, and with any group who want to explore the nature of forgiveness whether in the wider political context or within their own lives. The Forgiveness Project has no religious or political affiliations. The Forgiveness Project aims raise the debate about forgiveness by collecting and sharing personal stories, encourage and empower people to explore the nature of forgiveness and alternatives to conflict and revenge, and engage civil society, as well as transform hearts and minds.