The experts of the MEREPS project were responsible for the first section of the two-day long training. During the introduction moderated by Dr. Borbála Fellegi, the participants’ knowledge of the practice of restorative techniques has been measured. Following the introduction, Dr. Zsolt Fekete (judge, Balassagyarmat Court) held a presentation on the implementation of alternative conflict handling techniques in prison from a prison-judge’s perspective.
The presentation was followed by film screening and group discussion about on the implementation of restorative conflict resolution, moderated by Dr. Borbála Fellegi.
Following a short break, Dr. Tünde Barabás (OKRI) held a presentation for the participants with the title „The framework, empirical findings and legislative recommendations of the MEREPS project,”, followed by a presentation by Dr. Borbála Fellegi introducing the findings and methodological recommendations of the MEREPS pilot project.
The participants agreed on the importance and usefulness of implementing restorative techniques in the prison service.

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