The book "Responsibility-taking, Relationship-building and Restoration in Prisons" (edited by BARABÁS, T. - FELLEGI, B. - WINDT, Sz.) includes the final research results and case studies about mediation and restorative justice in... This publication includes the research studies, results, observations, experiences and proposals relating to the work carried out by the participating partners over the three years of the |
Dr. Barabás Andrea and Dr. Windt Szandra represented the MEREPS project demonstrating the progress and results of the RJ in prison settings program. The meeting took place in Brussels on the 15th of June. The report of the previous General Meeting and the annual reports have been approved, the accounts of the Committees have been presented followed by the evaluation of three international projects, financial concerns, policy work and future... |
The executive of Foresee Research Group presented the participants with the results the MEREPS project has reached so far. This yearly conference provides institutes and organizations aiming to establish and disseminate the spirit of mediation with a chance to meet. Also, it is a great occasion to discuss actualities in the field. |
Interactive conference session moderated by Vidia Negrea and Zsuzsanna Z. Papp was held for experts in the field of child protective services at ’Closed doors – open souls’ conference in Tököl Prison. The session not only gave a general introduction of restorative justice, but provided a perfect forum for discussing the implementation of restorative and mediation techniques in child protective services as well. |
The conference session ’Restorative and mediation techniques in prison’ of the second annual ’Closed doors – open souls’ conference has been moderated by Tünde Barabás. At the conference, Mihály Kovács, the head of Balassagyarmat Prison and the professional partner of the MEREPS project held a presentation on the project. In his talk, Mr. Kovács outlined... |
At the end of October, 2010 a three days long interactive training organised for almost 30 staff members of the Balassagyarmat Prison, that introduced the theory of practices of restorative justice and their applicability in the... The almost 30 participants included the warden and the executive of Balassagyarmat Prison, educators, inspectors, psychologists and other staff from the prison, the educators of Tököl Juvenile Prison, social workers, civilians, teachers, etc. |
On September 27th 2010, an expert workshop was organized at the Balassagyarmat Prison as part of the MEREPS Project. The aim of the course was to prepare and raise awareness of the participants, so when the MEREPS pilot project... The workshop was opened by Dr. Budai István, the warden of the prison, and after the introduction of the participants the MEREPS Project and the related research was introduced by Dr. Borbala Fellegi, Dr. Tünde Barabás and Dr. SzandraWindt (all three experts are taking part in the MEREPS Project).... |
As a part of the MEREPS Project an all-day long „Zacchaeus programme” about taking responsibility, and looking at the victim’ side of the story was held with 18 inmates in the Balassagyarmat Prison on the 28th of September.... MEREPS's „Zacchaeus programme”, also known internationally as The Sycamore Tree Project® is an... |
Laura Mirsky reports on the latest developement of Vidia Negrea's work, a succesful attempt to use restorative practices in order to normalize the atmosphere in a Hungarian vocational school. In April 2010 Vidia Negrea, director of Community Service Foundation (CSF) Hungary, provided an introductory training in facilitating restorative conferences for four different youth group homes in Budapest. This is just the latest development in her work spreading restorative practices in... |
The article of Tünde Barabás on the MEREPS Project and its expected results in Hungary Since the middle of the 20th century, the unstoppable spread of crime has urged criminology experts of theory and practice to reconsider the efficacy and purpose of punishment. As a result, two polarised views in criminal justice policies have established themselves; one being the pragmatic need... |
During the study tour in London on 12 Nov 2009 Tünde Barabás, PhD and Szandra Windt, PhD gave a lecture about Mediation and Restorative Justice in Hungary. In the Hungarian criminal law it is not the aim of the penal system and the execution to foster reconciliation between parties and nor is it suitable for it to do so. This means, that unless parties have already reconciled before the closing of the first instance in the court, they will not... |