Criminal Justice 2008

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Az Európai Bizottság „Criminal Justice 2008”
programjának pénzügyi támogatásával

Szakmai fordító partnerünk az Afford Fordító- és Tolmácsiroda Kft.


2009. 04. 17

On 17 April 2009 members of the MEREPS Consortium had its very first project meeting. Above all, it was not even planned in the original programme and the budget! It was an opportunity for us to meet in another context, hence we...

2009. 03. 16

At the 16th of march 2009 the three year-long, European Comission endorsed “Mediation and Restorative Justice in Prison Settings” project (JLS/2008/JPEN015-30-CE-0267156/00-39) has officially started.

The project aims to: through empiric research and pilot project ona a national and international level

•    to explore the opportunities for implementing mediation and RJ practices into the prison settings;
•    to survey tha attitudes of prison staff,...