Following the launch of the UK MEREPS report, IARS wrote to the Ministry of Justice to bring to their attention the evidence based findings of the project "Restorative justice in the secure estate: Alternatives for Young People" The final European MEREPS report is being launched next week in Budapest at the final conference of the MEREPS project. More information can be found on the MEREPS website |
On 1st December, Independent Academic Research Studies in partnership with the RJC held "Restorative Justice & the Secure Estate: Alternatives for Young People in Custody. Over 70 delegates from the fields of practice, policy and research attended the seminar which launched the IARS report "Restorative Justice and... |
The European Society of Criminology held its annual conference in Vilnius with the theme "Rethinking Crime and Punishment in Europe". IARS was represented through its Director, Dr. Theo Gavrielides, who presented two papers on... The 600 participants discussed existing and new alternative methodologies for crime prevention and control. Leading academics, criminologists and practitioners from around the world came together to share their recent research. |
Independent Academic Research Studies (IARS) and the Restorative Justice Council are pleased to invite you to a joint half-day seminar titled Restorative justice in Europe: What can it do for young people? The seminar will launch the IARS report "Restorative Justice and the Secure Estate: Alternatives for Young People". The report is based on a three year research programme that looked at the use of restorative justice practices in prisons. The event and the IARS report is part of the |
The final report on the MEREPS UK project has been finalised and is now in production. The report titled "Restorative justice and the secure estate: Alternatives for young people in custody" is due to be published soon at a... Over the last 20 years, we have seen several reforms, investment plans, partnerships and criminal justice policies targeting better solutions to youth crime. And yet, in 2010 in England and Wales alone over 10,111 young adults (18-21 yrs) and 1,637 young people (15-17yrs) were in the secure estate.... |
On the 29th June, the UK MEREPS Project "Children and Young People in Custody: What Restorative Justice has to say" presented its findings at a national conference titled "Reclaiming justice for communities through restorative... Dr. Gavrielides, author of the UK MEREPS report and Director of IARS presented the following session points:
The UK MEREPS research has been completed and the findings are being presented at a national conference in London. As part of IARS effort to use MEREPS findings to influence national and European policy and restorative justice practice, Dr. Theo Gavrielides, IARS Director and UK lead for the MEREPS project will present its findings at a national conference in June. The final report is now in production and... |
Restorative justice is back on the agenda. The proposed legislative, policy and institutional reforms that are being proposed provide a unique opportunity to re-think about our approach to crime and anti-social behaviour.... Since its inception, IARS has been carrying out independent, international research in the area of restorative justice focusing on areas such as youth violence, hate crimes, sexual offending, prisons and the juvenile secure estate. To see IARS' restorative justice projects, their publications... |
The UK MEREPS fieldwork was completed and the first national draft report was written. The findings and the draft report are now with the UK MEREPS independent peer review panel consisting of Prof. Dan Van Ness, Prof. John... Press Release: The 3E Model for a Restorative Justice Strategy in Europe
IARS responded to the Restorative Justice Practitioner Register Consultation carried out by the Restorative Justice Council (RJC). The Ministry of Justice has funded the RJC to develop a National Register of Restorative... The IARS response was prepared by Dr. Theo Gavrielides and was preceded by an open Call for Evidence. Several submissions... |
Today, 4 March 2011, the independent think tank Independent Academic Research Studies (IARS) released the report "Drawing together research, policy and practice for restorative justice". The paper reports on the findings from a... The event was attended by 45 experts in the restorative justice field including representatives from the Home Office, Ministry of Justice, Youth Justice Board, academia and practice. This shows the appetite for more events such as this one and ICCCR has indicated that it looks forward to... |
IARS submitted two responses to the Ministry of Justice's Green Paper; Breaking the Cycle. The Green Paper sets out the government's proposals for fundamental changes to the criminal justice system with a particular focus on... The first IARS response has specific focus on youth justice and draws on focus groups held with young people. It also uses evidence compiled by IARS through past research into young people and... |
The new year started with some good promises for the IARS-based restorative justice work as the MEREPS fieldwork is coming to an end and two more seminars have been confirmed with Open University, ICCCR. In January, Dr. Gavrielides, completed the MEREPS fieldwork with practitioners, policymakers, prison staff and young people who had experienced RJ while in prison. The findings are now been introduced into a UK report which will be launched later in 2011 and presented in Budapest at the end of the... |
Another monthly update from the UK MEREPS partner reporting on key activities and news that took place in December 2010 On the 7th December 2010, the UK government published its Sentencing Green Paper, announcing its intentions for key reforms in the adult and juvenile sentencing philosophy and practice. |
Rights and Restoration within Youth Justice is an edited, peer-reviewed Volume of original papers written by leading scholars in the fields of restorative justice, youth justice and policy, human rights and criminal justice. The... The book is edited by Dr. Gavrielides and published by de sitter Publications, Canada. The project is carried out under the auspices of Independent Academic Research Studies (IARS), Open University and Mount Royal University. |