Criminal Justice 2008

Helyreállító igazságszolgáltatás

Partnerek és támogatók:





Az Európai Bizottság „Criminal Justice 2008”
programjának pénzügyi támogatásával

Szakmai fordító partnerünk az Afford Fordító- és Tolmácsiroda Kft.


MEREPS Expert Group

Barabás Tünde ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Benedek Balázs ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Benedek Gabriella ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Fellegi Borbála ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Gavrielides Theo ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Haas Marie ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Hartmann Arthur ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Mariën Karolien ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Seebeck Ann-Cathrin ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Steudel Tim ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Szegő Dóra ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Végh Ádám ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Windt Szandra ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Z. Papp Zsuzsanna ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###

Mutatva: ###FROM### -tól ###TO### -ig a ###OUT_OF### -ből


Feltöltött anyagok

2010. 08. 29

Dr. Theo Gavrielides will be presenting at the European Society of Criminology annual conference in Liege (8- 11 Sept) the ongoing findings of the research programme on restorative justice with serious cases and post sentencing....

The presentations will focus on Gavrielides' forthcoming publication "Rights and Restoration within youth justice" an edited volume of 18 chapters written by leading academics from around the world and due to be published in 2012 by de Sitter Publications (Canada). Findings will...

2010. 08. 29

August was another important month for restorative justice in the UK. Home Office officials and Ministers started to contact projects and organisations delivering restorative justice. The new coalition government took keen...

IARS' UK MEREPS project moves onto the research phase "Using restorative justice with incacerated young people". The UK project is carried out by Dr. Theo Gavrielides, IARS Director and Senior Research Fellow at Open University. It aims to investigate the usage of restorative justice with...

2010. 07. 27

July has seen restorative justice being discussed in the UK Parliament and media. The new coalition's government wish to reduce prisoners' population and find alternative methods of addressing crime put restorative justice back...

This debate was complemented with the publication of a new report "Time for A Fresh Start" encouraging the use of restorative justice with juveniles. The Independent...

2010. 07. 03

On 2nd July 2010, Dr. Gavrielides, IARS Director and project leader for the UK side of the EU funded MEREPS project spoke at the UK College of Mediators conference at South Bank University. The conference titled "Tales from the...

Dr. Gavrielides gave a presentation on restorative justice covering issues such as definitions, cost-benefit analysis of restorative justice as well as the need to push the barriers for mediation and other restorative justice practices. Dr Gavrielides spoke about MEREPS and other innovative...

2010. 06. 28

Research report looking at the use of restorative justice with hate crime offences.

Unfortunately, many people living in the UK have at some point in their lives had either personal or indirect experience of Hate Crime. A pointless and cruel crime that can not only leave victims with physical scarring but also psychological scarring which can devastate innocent people’s lives.