Criminal Justice 2008

Helyreállító igazságszolgáltatás

Partnerek és támogatók:





Az Európai Bizottság „Criminal Justice 2008”
programjának pénzügyi támogatásával

Szakmai fordító partnerünk az Afford Fordító- és Tolmácsiroda Kft.


MEREPS Expert Group

Barabás Tünde ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Benedek Balázs ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Benedek Gabriella ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Fellegi Borbála ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Gavrielides Theo ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Haas Marie ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Hartmann Arthur ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Mariën Karolien ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Seebeck Ann-Cathrin ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Steudel Tim ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Szegő Dóra ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Végh Ádám ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Windt Szandra ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###
Z. Papp Zsuzsanna ###FIELD_flag###

Szakmai érdeklődés: ###FIELD_tx_fsfeuserregisterextend_job_interests###

Mutatva: ###FROM### -tól ###TO### -ig a ###OUT_OF### -ből


Feltöltött anyagok

2010. 12. 06

Press Release: Restorative justice is ready to be put to far broader use

On 22nd November, IARS and the International Centre for Comparative Criminological Research (ICCCR) at Open University held an expert seminar titled “Drawing together research, policy and...

2010. 11. 01

This update is part of the monthly information from IARS on the UK activities for the MEREPS project.

The research for the UK MEREPS project is well under way. The desk research is now complete for the development of the discussion guides and questionnaires for the qualitative fieldwork which is due to take place November 2010 - February 2011. The fieldwork will focus on young victims and...

2010. 10. 28

Report about the educational trip to Leuven/Belgium 01.09.2010 – 03.09.2010

The exciting thing about realizing a pilot project is for sure to experience the own image of the (ideal) implementation being restricted and measured by the actual circumstances. Concerning the MeRePS Project this means to implement a procedure based on voluntariness, autonomy confidentiality and...

2010. 10. 28

Status report of the present literature analysis

In recent time the Restorative Justice approach has become popular as an important alternative to the traditional justice system. In addition scientists are discussing the potential and possibilities of integrating the approach into prison settings.

2010. 09. 27

This update is part of the monthly information provided by IARS on its UK based activities and project for the larger EU funded MEREPS.

September was a busy month for the MEREPS UK project. Dr. Gavrielides attended the European Society of Crimonology annual conference that was held in Liege. There, he presented the interim findings of the UK based MEREPS project and carried out fieldwork with leading proponents of restorative...