Content: K. Roach, “Changing punishment and restorative justice”; J. Braithwaite, “Shame and Criminal Justice System”; H. Dumont, “Le pardon, une valeur de justice et d’espoir. Un playdoyer pour la tolérance et contre l’oubli”; A. Doob, “Transforming the punishment environment: understanding public views of what should be accomplished at sentencing”; M.E. Campbell, “Politics and public servants: observations on the current state of criminal law reform”; K. Roach and J. Rudin, “Gladue: the judicial and political reception of a promising decision.”
Source: Vanspauwen, K., Robert, L., Aertsen, I., Parmentier, S. (2003), Restorative Justice and Restorative Detention. A selected and annotated bibliography. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid, Onderzoeksgroep Penologie en Victimologie.
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