Criminal Justice 2008

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Strang, H. (2002) "Repair or Revenge. Victims and Restorative Justice"

Feltöltve: 2010. 03. 01.


Oxford, Oxford University Press, 298 p.

Over the past three decades, the victim movement worldwide has called for an enhanced role for victims in the criminal justice system. In this book Heather Strang argues that, despite some progress towards that goal, structural as well as political factors may mean that victims have won as much as they are likely to gain from conventional justice processing. She asks whether restorative justice can offer them more justice than they receive from the formal court-based system. Drawing on a five-year study of the impact of a restorative justice programme on victims of both property and violent crime, Strang presents empirical evidence to show that the restorative alternative of conferencing more often than court-based solutions has the capacity to satisfy victims' expectations of achieving a meaningful role in the way their cases are dealt with as well as delivering restoration, especially emotional restoration, from the harm they have suffered. Content: 1 The Victim in Criminal Justice; 2 Victims of Crime and the Victim Movement; 3 The Theory and Practice of Restorative Justice; 4 The Reintegrative Shaming Experiments: Research Design and Methodology; 5 The Lived Experience of Victims: How Restorative Justice Worked in Canberra; 6 Victim Satisfaction with the Restorative Alternative; 7 Victims and Offenders: A Relational Analysis; 8 Conclusion.

Source: Vanspauwen, K., Robert, L., Aertsen, I., Parmentier, S. (2003), Restorative Justice and Restorative Detention. A selected and annotated bibliography. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid, Onderzoeksgroep Penologie en Victimologie.

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