Final Conference of the project ‘Mediation and Restorative Justice in the Prison Settings’. When? |
Today, 4 March 2011, the independent think tank Independent Academic Research Studies (IARS) released the report "Drawing together research, policy and practice for restorative justice". The paper reports on the findings from a... The event was attended by 45 experts in the restorative justice field including representatives from the Home Office, Ministry of Justice, Youth Justice Board, academia and practice. This shows the appetite for more events such as this one and ICCCR has indicated that it looks forward to... |
Press Release: Restorative justice is ready to be put to far broader use On 22nd November, IARS and the International Centre for Comparative Criminological Research (ICCCR) at Open University held an expert seminar titled “Drawing together research, policy and... |
At the end of October, 2010 a three days long interactive training organised for almost 30 staff members of the Balassagyarmat Prison, that introduced the theory of practices of restorative justice and their applicability in the... The almost 30 participants included the warden and the executive of Balassagyarmat Prison, educators, inspectors, psychologists and other staff from the prison, the educators of Tököl Juvenile Prison, social workers, civilians, teachers, etc. |
Published wiothout changes from the newsletter of the MEREPS-partner European Forum for Restorative Justice. LEUVEN, BELGIUM, 22 September 2010 |
On September 27th 2010, an expert workshop was organized at the Balassagyarmat Prison as part of the MEREPS Project. The aim of the course was to prepare and raise awareness of the participants, so when the MEREPS pilot project... The workshop was opened by Dr. Budai István, the warden of the prison, and after the introduction of the participants the MEREPS Project and the related research was introduced by Dr. Borbala Fellegi, Dr. Tünde Barabás and Dr. SzandraWindt (all three experts are taking part in the MEREPS Project).... |
As a part of the MEREPS Project an all-day long „Zacchaeus programme” about taking responsibility, and looking at the victim’ side of the story was held with 18 inmates in the Balassagyarmat Prison on the 28th of September.... MEREPS's „Zacchaeus programme”, also known internationally as The Sycamore Tree Project® is an... |
This update is part of the monthly information provided by IARS on its UK based activities and project for the larger EU funded MEREPS. September was a busy month for the MEREPS UK project. Dr. Gavrielides attended the European Society of Crimonology annual conference that was held in Liege. There, he presented the interim findings of the UK based MEREPS project and carried out fieldwork with leading proponents of restorative... |
The European Forum for Restorative Justice (one of the partners in the MEREPS Consortium) held its sixth biennial conference from the 17th to 19th of June 2010, in Bilbao, Spain. This biennial conference also marked the 10th... The MEREPS Project was also invited to the Conference to hold its international seminar. The two workshops held by project representatives signaled the first personal introduction of the project towards a professional audience. |
Over the past few months the Prison Reform Trust has been working on an exciting new initiative to demonstrate just how much consensus there is between people in the criminal justice system and those concerned with reform.... Over the past few months the Prison Reform Trust has been working on an exciting new initiative to demonstrate just how much consensus there is between people in the criminal justice system and those concerned with reform. Talking Justice will kickstart a much-needed, informed discussion about... |
On 2nd July 2010, Dr. Gavrielides, IARS Director and project leader for the UK side of the EU funded MEREPS project spoke at the UK College of Mediators conference at South Bank University. The conference titled "Tales from the... Dr. Gavrielides gave a presentation on restorative justice covering issues such as definitions, cost-benefit analysis of restorative justice as well as the need to push the barriers for mediation and other restorative justice practices. Dr Gavrielides spoke about MEREPS and other innovative... |
The last three months have been extremely busy for the UK based project run by IARS for the EU funded Mediation and Restorative Justice in Prison Settings Project (MEREPS). Key updates: Events & Publications: Dr. Theo Gavrielides, IARS Director, has been invited to speak at a national conference on restorative justice. There, Dr. Gavrielides will be talking about the use of mediation and restorative justice post-sentencing and in prison settings. Furthermore,... |
Due to the changings of the past years a new model of approach has become necessary in the Hungarian penal institutions as well. Foresee Research Group is participating in the achievment of this goal with several parallel... Associates of the National Institute of Criminology and the Gaol and Prison of Balassagyarmat... |
Report of a Study Tour: 9th - 11th November, 2009. London, UK, The Delegates |
The Government of Brazil hosted the Twelfth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in Salvador, from 12 to 19 April 2010. On the third day of the UN conference, the 15th of April an ancillary session was held, discussing the use of restorative justice in prisons. Panel presentations included an international overview of restorative justice in prisons, racism in the prison setting and in-prison programmes serving... |